Cabinet Manufacturers: Targeting the Millennial Market

The generational demographic of consumers calls for cabinet manufacturers to diversify their message to cater to the specific needs of each group. According to Zillow Group, the millennials represent 42% of all homebuyers and 71% of all first-time homebuyers, with almost all of them having made improvements in the last year, in their homes.

The largest group of the Millennial generation, which is the largest generation in U.S. history, are 26 years old. Most of them are on the verge of a life-altering decision that will affect everything in their future: marriage, buying a home or having a child. In order to communicate your message, you have to address their needs, through lifestyle, habits and trends. One way to do this is to use appropriate visual communication that clients can relate to. The image, the message has to reflect millennials’ lifestyle and habits, so that it inspires true engagement.


A millennial’s first home is probably going to be small, focused on storage capabilities, thus enhancing living experience by being practical and user-friendly. This is happening while more and more people are renting their homes. For some Americans, owning a home is not a priority, due to rising home prices, rising student debts and the delay of millennials to get married or start their own families. That is why both renters and landlords are likely to look for more affordable cabinet options in their home. Consumers are lately leaning towards shopping for smaller furniture to fit their rental homes or apartments where space may be at a premium.

According to Statista data and an article by Deloitte Insights, single-person households are increasing and are expected to follow this trend over the next 15 years. This also calls for an increase in availability of multifunctional furniture and cabinets for storage.

Furthermore, millennials spend a lot of time online. It’s obvious that they have instant access to catalogs and prices, already having a clear idea of what they want. Online retailing has been preferred by millennials for some time now, and will continue to be so. Being online all the time, millennials are heavily influenced by social media. Even if  the actual purchasing is happening in the physical store, the shopping is happening on social media.


So, targeting millennials begins by connecting with them on their preferred channels, using messages and appropriate images that they can relate to, in order to inspire engagement.

Then you also need to help your dealers reach the audiences, to bring your products to the hands of as many customers as possible. A professional use of 3D cabinet images provided to your network of dealers will surely increase the sales of your cabinets.

